Hey guys! You’re reading a brand new edition of Diggin’ Into the DVD Archive, written by myself, Randy. Greetings from the UK! So now I am officially on a different continent. And I must say, London is pretty nice. I am fitting in well here. My internship starts in a little less than a month, and so I am getting prepared for that one day at a time. School has ended out here already, and I’m glad I wasn’t stuck going to school in London for 2 weeks. Even more so, I am glad I will be returning to the States just in time for school to begin there in September. Anyhow, things are going good for me. During the days I mostly go out, and look around, explore the city. I’ve seen some really cool sights since I’ve been here. I had some free time on my hands today, and figured I’d sit down and write an article for you Arcaders to read. I think tomorrow I may go down and visit Abbey Road. =)

For this edition of DIDA, I profile a recent film that got split reviews. Even more so, a film that has the honor to be inducted into my four-stars club. So that’s it, here it is, enjoy! Until next time, this Randy signing off from London.

**** out of ****

Oh boy. Every since the trailer before the Transformers movie last summer, I looked forward to one date and one date only: 1-18-08. I tracked the clues, kept up with the rumors, anticipated, and followed the film along the way. I was reading for clues and news on the film constantly and checking 1-18-08.com daily. I was honestly extremely excited for this film. Then it came: 1-18-08. The day I had been waiting for for 6 months... It came... and it passed. I didn’t see the film. Why you ask? I have no goddamn clue! I just never got around to getting to the theater. And then, I just never took the time to go and get it from Wow Video.

However, I did watch it this week, and it was absolutely amazing. It was 100 percent what I expected, and it is now in my four stars club. I am not going to go into a long plot synopsis of the film, seeing as most of you have probably already seen it. However, it is about a guy who is having a going away party when something attacks New York City. The whole this is shot (and viewed by us) on a video camera, by a guy who is supposed to be documenting the night of the party. Instead, however, he ends up documenting the most surreal footage ever.

I am personally not a fan of monster movies. However, I don’t know whether it was the hype, or the fact that it was shot with a camera, or that I was in a good mood when I watched it last night... but I loved Cloverfield. Now I feel even worse that I totally disregarded this for 5 months. However, great acting, an ok plot, and amazing film techniques came together to create this JJ Abram-kissed classic of the year. For me it has 4 stars. It has joined the club. 5 months into 2008, and my thoughts of Cloverfield:

It is the best movie, by far, or the year thus far.

With this killer lineup of movies this summer, including “The Dark Knight” and “Indiana Jones”, we will see if any film can truly surpass the awesomeness of “Cloverfield”.


  1. JD // May 24, 2008 at 8:33 PM  

    I love Cloverfield!!