“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”
*** out of ****
Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett

Steven Spielberg is easily the most influential director living today. By the mid-80s, he was considered a god in cinema. He was the man that invented the blockbuster by releasing a film that scared people so much that they wouldn’t swim in the ocean for years. He’s been nominated for countless Academy Awards for his work in his films, and won two for films that are considered his all-time best. He has created films for all types of audiences – family (“E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial”), action-geeks (“Jurassic Park”), science-fiction fanboys (“Close Encounters of the Third Kind”), war-buffs (“Saving Private Ryan”), and history nerds (“Munich”).

But the one film that no one ever thinks of when his two-worded name comes up is the remake of the 1953 classic “War of the Worlds.” I’ll never forget that I saw it opening day. It opened my eyes to a different kind of film – a monster film. Call “Jaws” and “Jurassic Park” monsters and I’ll shank you with your eyes wide opened. “War of the Worlds” was so underappreciated back when it was released in theaters that I actually heard people comparing the damn movie to “Batman Begins.” Of course it wouldn’t have beaten “Batman,” but a week after that, they compared it to “Fantastic Four.” I’m sure you can figure out which one was appreciated more then.

“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” will be the “War of the Worlds” for 2008. It’s not because it is a good movie and it is going up against other fine movies this summer, but because it will be compared to another film that definitely has the hype and stars – “The Dark Knight.” Yes, both films are totally different, in size and star power (and let’s face it, Harrison Ford isn’t all that young anymore), but someone will find a way to compare the two. It will be a race between the two this summer. The one that is liked the most will come out the winner. I can see it not being this one.

But it isn’t a bad film. Actually, it is quite a good one. It’s not great, but it is a lot of fun for a seven dollar movie. There are plot-holes here and there but none of which are surprising, especially to those who are familiar with the “Indiana Jones” films. But “The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” begs the question if we really needed another “Indiana Jones” film, and if we did, why now?

The film begins with a pointless opening that features a little car race that has nothing to do with the film. Then it opens to a bunch of Soviet soldiers pulling two men out of a car. The first one to get out is Mac, (Ray Winstone) and the second one is Mr. Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) himself. Colonel Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) forces the two in the same government warehouse from the first film, where Irina and Mac double-cross Jones into finding an extra-terrestrial. Long story short, he is told by a Greaser named Mutt (Shia LaBeouf) that his old colleague (John Hurt) has been missing after looking for a Crystal Skull somewhere in Peru. Guess who has caught up to him?

One of the best parts of the film is also one of the worst parts of the film. Like the films that came before “The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” the action sequences aren’t believable, but they did a good job at entertaining. Needless to say, so do the action scenes in this film. The few car chases in the film are outstandingly choreographed (although, a few of the bits here and there are unrealistic and really deserved to be cut from the film).

Steven Spielberg doesn’t let us down with the characters. He explains why Indiana Jones hasn’t been around by setting some back story to his character. The reason why he is so old is because he has been doing the same exact stuff that he has done from the first three movies. He explains to the characters about how he has been on many missions through caves. He explains about being kidnapped a dozen of times. Sometimes it feels like that we have been listening to the same story.

Cate Blanchett isn’t exactly the type of villain that we could have used in this film. She isn’t even villainous. She gets her men to do everything for her, which kind of let me down (yeah I wanted to see her and Harrison Ford go at it, fist to fist). But believe me that nothing is better than the accent that she gives to the character. For an English woman, she can do a Russian accent like a pro. Now if I do a Russian accent, I will sound Jamaican. Thank god I’m not an actor, eh?

But the biggest problem with the film is Shia LaBeouf. It’s not that he is a problem, but being that he is only here for looks and because Uncle Steven decided that he was perfect for the role is just a reason to draw in more women and more money. Best of all, Uncle Steven began advertising for Shia LaBeouf’s new movie “Eagle Eye,” in which Uncle Steven is listed under the writing and producing credits. Not surprising the least bit. He was also on the producing credits for “Transformers” too, which is probably the only reason LaBeouf was cast. Word on the street is that he will be the main character in the sequel. Damn it…

Harrison Ford, like Bruce Willis last summer in “Live Free or Die Hard,” is in some good shape, but doesn’t really deserve to be doing this film. If it is for the comeback or for the money, he will definitely be finding success in both. Congratulations Harry. Now go break your hip.

The question that is being begged here is whether or not this film is needed. The answer to the film will vary between different people. On one end, if you love the first three, especially “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” you will at least like this one. Then again, if you guys were expecting a fantastic summer flick like the one that kicked off this summer, you will be sadly disappointed. Don’t expect too much, and you should be fine.

Then again, if you still aren’t interested, you can just go see “Iron Man” for the fourth time this summer. That movie is great.


  1. JD // May 26, 2008 at 11:55 AM  

    I am hovering in the 7 out 10 range.

    Iron Man was the better film. Awesome review!!

  2. Fred [The Wolf] // May 27, 2008 at 3:27 AM  

    Yeah, I thought the film was good. But something was missing for me to really make it great. Better than THE LAST CRUSADE but RAIDERS and TEMPLE OF DOOM still win out. Maybe I need to see this one again to really give a proper opinion on it. But I still enjoyed it and thought more than enough worked for a DVD buy. Great review.