Starring (voices): Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Seth Rogen, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, David Cross
Director: Mark Osborne and John Stevenson
Release Date: June 6, 2008
Running Time: 92 min
MPAA Rating: PG
Distributor: DreamWorks Animation

More than a decade since the release of Toy Story, the new car smell from the age of computer animated feature films is gone. Anymore, it is difficult to justify liking something simply because it looks good. I’m afraid that ship has sailed. No, now we assume the films will look great and we look to the story to work in conjunction with the animation to make a great film. Nowadays our assumptions and expectations have been heightened by the success of so many computer animated feature films, but there are a few really great ones. It is time to clear off a spot towards the top because we have a new member into that illustrious circle.

Kung Fu Panda is the story of Po (Jack Black), a gentile, lumbering beast of a panda who works for his father, who just happens to be a goose, in his noodle shop. He daydreams of kung fu but is not what you would call a pillar of physical fitness. No, he is as clumsy as you would imagine a panda bear to be at such a skillful art such as kung fu. Or waiting tables. Or walking stairs, up or down. Po idolizes the Furious Five, a group of supremely skilled martial arts warriors trained by their master, Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), so much so he talks to their action figures in his bedroom window upon waking up each morning. When an ancient master has a vision that an imprisoned evil warrior Tai Lung (Ian McShane), a former student of Shifu, will escape and return malice to the Valley of Peace, he calls for a formal ceremony so he can determine who is the mightiest of warriors and name them the Dragon Warrior.

Po heads to the ceremony, overwhelmed by the prospect of being able to see in action and in person, the Furious Five: Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu), and Crane (David Cross). He lumbers up the infinite amount of stairs to get to the stadium only to realize it has taken him so long the doors have closed, leaving him outside with no clear line of site. As the ceremony takes place inside and the Furious Five perform, he finally devises a plan to make it inside to see the action. Only he falls in from the sky just as Master Oogway is choosing the Dragon Warrior. Who do you think he picked?

This much and the rest of the story is void of any real surprises from a narrative perspective, but the writing is not lazy either. It’s just pretty modest martial arts fare. So what makes the movie so good? I can’t really say it’s any one thing more than another. The story is good enough with the perfect blend of action and humor. My only complaint is that the characters of the Furious Five weren’t as developed as the rest. It would have made the story longer and probably resulted in a loss of steam, but I would have liked to see more of them. And I know I just got through saying it doesn’t count but it is worth mentioning that the animation is really spectacular. DreamWorks Animation really stepped up their game from their previous films. Not only is it beautifully drawn and colorfully vibrant, the action scenes are extremely well choreographed. You can definitely tell a lot of care was put into making them as artistic as possible.

The more I think about it, the best part of the film is not all of the things I mentioned but more what it is not. The original idea of the film was to make it a parody and a spoof of martial arts movies. But co-director John Stevenson disliked the idea and went decided to give the film and epic feel to it while blending in light comedy so it could stand beside the films he aimed to model it after rather than make fun of them. Mission accomplished, sir. Now there’s your secret ingredient.

And there’s the rub

*** ½ out of ****


  1. JD // June 9, 2008 at 7:33 AM  

    Great review!!!
    It was fun, I guess that is all it has to be.

  2. TonyD // June 9, 2008 at 1:43 PM  

    I really loved this one too. If "Wall-E" wants to be nominated for best animated film (or win, for that manner), it has to be at least half as good as this way. Excellent review

  3. Reel Whore // June 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM  

    From the trailers, Wall-E doesn't look like it will muster up enough to beat out KFP at year's end. We'll have to wait and see.

    KFP was great, and so was your review.