Source: Cinematical

Richard Kelly should really stop making movies. It’s not that he is a bad filmmaker, but no one gives him a chance, not even the studio executives. “Donnie Darko” was dumped like a used hooker and never received much respect back when it was released (though it is a cult hit now). “Domino” was pushed back many times until it finally settled. “Southland Tales” wasn’t respected at all, and still really isn’t (unless if you are Jerry, who absolutely loves it). His new film, “The Box,” was set to open in March of 2009. Now, it has been pushed back to no other date than September 11, 2009. If you can remember, “Donnie Darko” was released around that same time in 2001 and was given no attention because of the terrorist attacks. How will this help the film eight years later?


  1. jeremythecritic // June 26, 2008 at 6:45 PM  

    This is horrible news. Richard Kelly screwed again. Too bad, I was really looking forward to this film.