Monday morning, I woke up to a bright and sunny day. It was all good until I read the weekend's box office estimates...

1. The Incredible Hulk - 54+ million
2. Kung Fu Panda - 31+ million
3. The Happening - 30+ million

Now, some may say, "What are you bitching about? Only the Hulk beat the best film of the year in the box office this weekend; it's still going strong." Yeah, well, I don't give a shit about that. Two of our best reviewers, Spaldy and Jerry, have reviewed the M. Night Shyamalan blockbuster "The Happening." Both of them gave both negative reviews. Other than the god of reviewers, Roger Ebert, everyone gave "The Happening" a bitter and negative review. FilmArcade's very own Royce Clemens talked about how he laughed throughout the entire movie in his review for his MySpace blog.

So I got to thinking - "The Happening" can't be that bad. It was directed by the same guy who earned himself a directing Oscar nomination for "The Sixth Sense," and probably made one of the most underrated superhero movies of all-time ("Unbreakable").

Funny thing about those two, though... I can't remember a single thing from both of them.

So that means if I can't remember them, they aren't that good.

So I proposed myself a challenge. Throughout this next week or two, I will be reviewing every single M. Night Shyamalan movies, whether if it stars Bruce Willis, Paul Giamatti, or Mel Gibson. Lord knows that if I come out alive from movies that everyone says are terrible, I might actually have a chance of surviving a plane crash or swimming with sharks. And if I can survive six hours of watching nothing but "Alvin and the Chipmunks," which I did so today, I think I can survive watching six M. Night Shyamalan movies.

Yes, these movies will be reviewed in the proper chronological order, which means that it will begin with "The Sixth Sense" and end with "The Happening." Let it be known that I also plan on doing this with Peter Berg when "Hancock" is released and George Lucas when "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is released in theaters. And who knows? If I'm able to survive a Texas football team and Jar-Jar, I might possibly do this for the coming months.

So look out for the first of the six installments coming to you Friday: "The Sixth Sense."


  1. JD // June 18, 2008 at 9:09 PM  

    This is going to be good.

  2. Fred [The Wolf] // June 19, 2008 at 12:27 AM  

    This should be some interesting reads. Good luck, sir.