Group Sex
Year: 2010
Director: Lawrence Trilling
Stars: Josh Cook, Greg Grunberg, Odette Yustman
MPAA Rating: R
Studio: Monarch Home Video
Running Time: 89 Mins

It’s amazing that there are some film that you see and you wonder to yourself, why did this film not get a better distribution deal. “Group Sex” falls into that category.

The film is about an advertising executive named Andy (Josh Cook) , who meets the girl (Odette Yustman) of his dreams at a bar then follows her to a recovery group. The only problem is, it’s a sexual addiction recovery group. It’s the possible news for him, but soon it becomes the worst for him. The group soon begins invade both of Andy’s professional and personal life. His life begins to unravel, as the ties with his loveable group deepen. “Group Sex” also co-stars Greg Grumberg ( who also co wrote the screenplay), Tom Arnold (True Lies), Jamie Denton (Desperate Housewives) and Henry Winkler.

Going into this film, I wasn’t expecting much, considering that this film is filled with mostly b- listers. But to my surprise, “Group Sex” is a very funny film.

Writer/director Lawrence Trilling does a very good job putting in the effort to making this film, a fun one to watch. One of the things that he does very well, he gets all of the physical humor aspects down. Thrilling directs them in a way that the action is outrageous to generate laughter. It makes the situations that take place funny to watch. That is what makes comedy work, so well. Another thing that Trilling does very well, he gets the performances to gel with the rest of the film. The main reason this works, Trilling’s ability to get the actors to make the humor of the screenplay work. The performances here gelled very well with the material and considering with the names that are involved. I liked how, Trilling get his actors interested in the material. It really shows on screen that the actors are enjoying their roles and that helps bring out some funny moments. You can write funny scenes, but if the actors aren’t having fun, then it shows in the final product.

The screenplay written by Trilling and co-star Greg Grumberg does a very good job in making this an entertaining comedy. One of the things that make this screenplay work, the fact the funny scenes were well thought out. Some of the scenes here do a good a job generating laughs. When I go and see a comedy, I want to laugh while enjoying the film’s premise. Man, did I laugh for most of this film, as there were a couple of scene that were just a riot to watch. That’s what I want to see, when I watch a Comedy. Not scenes where you feel bored watching a comedy film and not laughing at the action. Another thing that helps the comedy aspect work, the characters were quirky. I liked, how they brought personality to these characters. They get you into the flow of the film and makes you laugh at what they are doing.. You need that in comedy film, because if it isn’t there then your not going to be invested in anything that goes on. The other thing that Trilling and Grumberg does very well was to make the romantic aspect entertaining. Even though, the humor was very funny, you also need a story to go along with the film. I liked how, the writers do a good job developing the main relationship as it helps tone down the humor and gets you into the film’s story. You can have all funny scenes but if there isn’t a story in the humor, then the film is just plays for laughs and that doesn’t fulfill the necessary requirements of a recommended film. Thankfully, it has a good story to go along with the humor.

Rent this film if you get a chance, as this is one of those films that you‘ll enjoy. “Group Sex” is an outrageously funny comedy filled with a lot of funny humor and a solid love story.

Review Rating: Four Stars