I hope everyone is enjoying there New Year’s Day.

Film Arcade.net is celebrating it’s third year on the web. This has been a very hard year for me both personally and professionally, as I took over reigns one year ago. It’s been trying times, but I think that the best is yet to come.

You might notices some changes on the site, especially with our news coverage. Not only will you get the latest news from the major studios, but now were adding news from the independent film world to our coverage. The reason that I divided them up instead of bunching them together. I felt that if this site is going to get more views, we needed more news coverage of films. Especially when you get a lot of press releases and trailers from various PR Firms, you get news from independent companies trying to spend the word about their films. Those always disappear from the latest news in a couple of days, as the major studios send me trailers, stills and info on their latest releases. I thought to myself, if I divide the two, then maybe people would be aware of these independent films that are out there and making news. That’s why for the separation.

We’re also looking for more news content. If you’re an Independent filmmaker that has announcements regarding your films or if your a PR representative that’s looking for press regarding your client’s films. Feel free to send the announcements to AnthonyThurber@filmarcade.net and it‘ll be posted on the site.

In the future, I have plans to add more movie clips than we have before. You might have noticed this week that we were able to bring you clips for the upcoming “Piranha” DVD and Blu-Ray release. This is a start towards more content on our you tube page. If you have content that you want featured on out page, you can also send an email to AnthonyThurber@filmarcade.net.

We’ve also joined the Networked Blogs site. It’s a very good site. You can follow us there at http://networkedblogs.com/blog/film_arcade.net/. Also don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and Youtube

Well, that’s it for now. I want to thank everyone that supports this site on a regular basis and the best is yet to come.

Anthony Thurber
Site Administrator