Welcome to the 350th Edition of my series.  Last night was closing night for THE PRODUCERS.  The show went very well and the audiences loved it. I will soon be moving onto another acting project which I will announce later in time when there is more details.

Moneyball (2011):  I start the movie out with this baseball movie.  This is a true story which stars Brad Pitt as Billy Beane who is appointed General Manager for the Oakland A's.  He finds that he has a very low budget to work with and has a different way of selecting his players.  Jonah Hill co-stars as Peter, who is an economics graduate recruited by Billy to use his degree towards his player selection but adding up statistics.  Their selection process causes a lot of debate in the baseball world, especially with the manager, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, who does not like the player selection methods.  Robin Wright also co-stars in this film.  This is a movie that works on so many levels and it keeps you wanting Billy to succeed in what he is doing.  Check this out, you'll be glad you did.

The Producers (2005):  Last week, I included the original version directed by Mel Brooks and this is the musical remake.  I just closed on this show last night and it went very well.  In this version, Nathan Lane plays Max Bialystock who is a struggling Broadway producer who resorts to crooked methods to get his backers.  Matthew Broderick co-stars as accountant Leo Bloom who finds a discrepancy in Max's books.  Bloom soon finds that creating a flop can make more money which then gives Bialystock to put on the biggest flow possible.  Bloom is reluctant but hates his job so much he joins the scheme.  They soon find a script called SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER which is sure to flop.  Uma Thurman plays Ulla who is their receptionist that speaks rather limited English.  Will Ferrell also co-stars as Franz who wrote SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER and is a lot of fun in his role.  They soon go out and get the worst director they know and seek out the worst actors possible to make this show bad until the audience ends up really liking the show putting them into a lot of trouble.  Lane and Broderick work great together and I'm sure the show was better on Broadway but not everyone can afford Broadway and must settle for this movie.  Jon Lovitz, Michael McKean, Roger Bart, and Gary Beach co-star in this musical.  Ferrell and Thurman are the only actors that did not reprise their parts from Broadway.  It does not beat the original but I felt it still delivers well.  This has a lot of fun musical numbers and is a musical that ranks pretty high for me.  This is available on Instant Netflix just like the original so have a little double feature sometime.

Wall E (2008):  I have doing a lot of Disney lately so I'm trying to keep that trend going.  This was a Disney film that had limited dialogue.  This takes place in a distant future which mankind has abandoned Earth after it has been so populated with trash.  Wall E is a garbage collecting robot who is alone on earth along with a little cockroach.  Wall E tries to make the most of his time collecting trash and making the community look as good as possible and has a fascination with showtunes.  Soon, he meets a female reconnaissance robot who is sent to see if Earth is still sustainable and falls in love with her.  He soon ends up on the ship where the humans ended up and looks to protect Eve.  This was a satire towards what humans can do and a good statement making it into a beautiful film.  This movie features robots who have better chemistry than many couples in the history of film and the chick flicks.  It also delivers many laughs with the lazy humans.  It is a great achievement for Pixar.  It also features Peter Gabriel in his song DOWN TO EARTH that he wrote for this movie with Thomas Newman so featuring Peter Gabriel is always something that wins me over but the movie in general won me over. 

Destination Earth (1956):  This is my animated short for the week that was put on by the American Petroleum Institute.  This movie has a little martian being sent to Earth to figure out why we're so great which is rather ironic to say the least.  If you're looking for some actual quality, this really is not it.  This was pure propaganda and something to watch for entertainment reasons.  This is likely findable on Youtube.

Joe (1970):  John G. Avildson directed this overlooked film.  Dennis Patrick stars as Bill Compton, no not that vampire from TRUE BLOOD, who is a very successful businessman and has a daughter who is a junkie and decides to confront her boyfriend.  Bill soon accidentally kills her drug-dealing boyfriend.  Peter Boyle co-stars as the title character who is a regular among the bar Bill ends up at and hates just about anyone who is different.  He soon picks up on Bill and knows that he is the one that killed the drug dealer.  They soon form an unlikely friendship but Joe makes things very complicated for Bill.  Susan Sarandon makes her film debut as Bill's daughter.  This is a very intriguing film that should be more noticed.  Boyle and Patrick work very well together.  This is available on Instant Netflix. 

Outward Bound (1930):  Leslie Howard stars as Tom Prior who is on a ship but finds that things are rather odd as well as some of the people.  Nobody on the ship seems to know why they are there or where they are going and learns they are going to heaven or hell.  This comes from a stage play and is hard to really describe.  This was an early talkie which has a very intriguing storyline.  Douglas Fairbanks Jr. also co-stars in this film.  This is Howard's first American film.  This is available on TCM On-Demand on Comcast.

Multiplicity (1996):  Harold Ramis directed this comedy which stars Michael Keaton as Doug.  Doug is a construction worker and family man who feels he has no time for himself.  He soon gets an unusual offer for help that involves cloning.  There ends up being four different Dougs and each have their own personality which confuses his wife, played by Andie Macdowell.  Michael Keaton does a good job of playing each personality and delivers many laughs in his trying not to expose the other clones to his family.  There is not a lot more to describe but is a very fun film to watch.

D.O.A. (1950):  This is my film noir for the week.  Edmond O'Brien stars as Frank Bigelow who learns he is the victim of a slow-acting poison that there is no cure.  He uses his last time on earth to figure out who killed him.   In his quest, he meets some rather deceptive characters and finds that investigating his own murder is not easy.  I liked the start of it where he visits the police to report his own murder which sets the stage.  This is a very good entry into that genre and one of the best in my opinion.  This is available on Instant Netflix. 

The Dragon Painter (1919):  This is my silent film for the week which stars Sessue Hayakawa who was an actual Asian playing an Asian.  He stars as Tatsu who is the title character and paints dragons in his obsession of finding a princess.  Soon, a master painter named Kano Indara sees his ability and Tatsu soon believes his daughter is the princess and agrees to stay.  Kano was hoping for an heir to pass his abilities to but after Tatsu finally finds love, he loses the passion.  This was a rather intriguing silent film.  Hayakawa was very well known at the time and possibly one of the most popular actors.  This is available on TCM On-Demand.

The Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling (2007):  I end this week with this wrestling documentary.  This is a WWE produced documentary which focuses on the WCCW which was on the rise in the 70s and 80s but tragedy and other bad decisions brought its fall.  The legendary Fritz Von Erich built this promotion mostly around his sons which were mainly David, Kerry and Kevin Von Erich.  One of the main things it talked about was the tragedy among the Von Erich family.  The first son of Fritz whose name was Jackie Jr. died at the age of 7 from electrocution.  David Von Erich was known as the best in ring worker.  He was about to have a big career but died in 1984 on a tour with All Japan Wrestling where many believe he died of an overdose but others do not believe it was overdose.  Many believe it was a heart attack caused by ruptured intestines causing enteritis.  His death will never be known for sure and this did not do much to discuss it except a couple wrestlers believing it was not an overdose.  The next Von Erich to go was Mike Von Erich.  Many say he did not really want to be a wrestler but wanted to follow in the family footsteps but did not have the ability like his other brothers.  He suffered from Toxic Shock Syndrome and should have never returned to wrestling.  He died of a drug and alcohol overdose in 1987 likely due to not being able to live up to his brothers' success in wrestling.  Chris Von Erich was the youngest of the brothers who really wanted to make it in wrestling but lacked height and had asthma as well as brittle bones making it very hard for him.  He became a wrestler in 1990 but lacked success and in 1991 took his own life.  Kerry Von Erich was probably the most successful of the Von Erichs but like the others had a lot of personal issues that kept him from his potential success.  He is the only Von Erich to be in WWE and had some success there but likely his drug problems kept him from rising to the top.  He had been indicted with some drug and forgery charges and in 1993 he took his life.  Kevin Von Erich is the only survivor of the family interviews quite a bit on this documentary.  He had his own success and feel he goes down very underrated.  He is known for wrestling barefoot.  It also talks about the death of their wrestler Gino Hernandez who died of a drug overdose.  World Class Championship Wrestling did a lot of rather innovative things like put focus to the wrestlers like at their home which no one did at the time.  It also had some very good gimmick wrestlers.  The big thing in my opinion about WCCW was that they had possibly the best feud of all time between the Von Erichs, mostly David, Kerry, and Kevin, and the Fabulous Freebirds which mainly consisted of Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, and Buddy Roberts.  A couple notable bad decisions made by Fritz were bringing in a "cousin" named Lance Von Erich which turned out to be a lie which was not the kind of like that should have been done.  There was also a heart attack angle by Fritz which did not really go into much detail except Kevin claiming that it was never meant to be a heart attack but I have a hard time believing that one.  This documentary does leave out some facts but sets out what it wanted to do and is a good education for wrestling fans.  World Class Championship Wrestling is very important to the history of Wrestling.  This was a Dallas promotion which at the time was very big and possibly bigger than the Dallas Cowboys.  There is also some pretty good matches but does not include a Ric Flair vs. Kerry Von Erich match where Kerry won his only NWA championship but lasted only 18 days which was likely due to Kerry's lack of reliability and happened right after David died who was probably first supposed to have it.  Well, I have gone on long enough, just watch this and research further to learn even more about this legendary promotion.

Well, that is it for this week.  Tell me what you like and what you hate.  Stay tuned for next week which so far includes Kevin Bacon, Carole Lombard, David Fincher, and many others