Houston, TX based production company A Set of Works has send us information and stills for their upcoming comedy "The Ultimate Ultimate". The film is a story about women & the poor bastards who can't live without them! "The Ultimate Ultimate" is set to have its DVD release this winter.

For more information on this film, you can visit the production company's offical website at: http://asetofworks.com

Press Release:

The Houston, TX based scumbags at A Set of Works present their outrageous new comedy, The Ultimate Ultimate -- a story about women & the poor bastards who can't live without them! Shot in Miami, FL, the movie critics say is "Absolutely hilarious!" (Movie Mavericks) and "...has big balls" (The Daily Rotation) stars writer/director Joe Benarick and executive producer Frank Aguirre (Days of Lightning), Brandy Whitford (Beware), and Rob DiPiazza, and features a kick-ass soundtrack with music from AluKard, Back to the Futrell, and D. Lector! A Set of Works suggests you buy beer for a minor and watch The Ultimate Ultimate's trailer with him in your studio apartment! What could go wrong??!!

After getting dumped by the girlfriend he never deserved, delusional piker Joe (Joe Benarick) and his estranged buddy Frank (Frank Aguirre) decide to take a trip to the neighboring town of Deer Beach—named for its annual deer orgy along the shore, according to Frank. But despite Frank’s best efforts to heal Joe’s broken heart in this execrable town inundated with surly front desk girls, slovenly maintenance men, and more than unbearable downtime, Joe can’t shake the thought of his ex. She was smokin’ hot, and it was so cute the way she’d get mad and stab him and all. Women are such a trip!

The Ultimate Ultimate hits DVD this winter!

"The Ultimate Ultimate": Official Trailer