An urban legend come to life. (heh)

Where do I begin? Just the title alone was enough to convince me to want to see this.

In 1999 there was a large earthquake (that we never see) in a small, land-locked, snow covered town. The earthquake unleashed a prehistoric beast that started slaughtering all of the local wildlife. A scientist and 2 of his colleagues went to find out what was going on when they were viciously attacked.

A local hunter went out and later killed a land-dwelling shark, but it was presented to the public as tabloid fodder and deemed an urban legend.

Now, a Cryptozoologist, his Assistant and a Hunter are on the case to find the truth about the…SNOW SHARK!

It was honestly an original idea, as I haven’t seen a film about a land shark that swims through snow. Everyone’s yard was its ocean and it could attack anywhere anytime.

I had a blast watching this film. It looked to have been shot on video with friends of the director as actors and actresses, (that may or may not have been the case, but that is how it seemed.) I laughed a lot, and that is not insulting for this type of film as they were hilariously amateur and over the top. Especially the wannabe sleazy Hunter.

One of my favorite parts of this film was the giant, black cardboard dorsal fin cutting through the snow. Once I saw that, I knew it was ok not to take this film seriously. (Not that I didn’t realize that before, but it was like the film giving me permission to laugh.)

If I had any complaint at all, it was that lack of seeing the whole shark. When it kills you see only bits of it’s head and teeth. Even on the back of the case you see the head and mouth of the shark coming at a guy. Bad CG or practical FX or not, more of the shark would have been nice. Even though at the end, you start seeing a lot of the shark, which was a practical effect, they had the prop and should’ve used it more.

I even enjoyed the digital blood. (I know, right?) Anyone of you that have read my reviews knows that I absolutely hate, hate, hate, digital blood, but in this case, it was so over the top and bad, that it was awesome because it fit in with the rest of the film. It wasn’t like they used all practical blood, then ran out of time or blood and put in bad digital blood.

If you are looking for a terribly mindless, fun Z-grade film, grab a 6-pack, smoke a bowl, and watch Snow Shark. So bad it’s good.
