Independent Entertainment recently send us over stills and DVD information for their upcoming release of "Road Hell". The film features the directorial talents of Pete Jacelone, Alex Pucci and Draven Gonzalez.

Special features on the DVD include ROAD HELL Feature, ROAD HELL Trailer ,“Deep into the Rabbit Hole” extended short, “Zombies, Zombies Everywhere” extended short, “The One” extended short and Trailer Vault. "Road Hell" hits stores on July 16th.

Press Release:

Not since Norman Bates manned the desk of the Bates motel has such a dangerous innkeeper played host to unlucky travelers. Welcome to ROAD HELL, a shocking new horror anthology set in a sleazy, decrepit motel and showcasing three classic tales of vampirism, monsters and the living dead.

We first meet our innkeeper, Dickey Sussex, as he hands room keys to a couple seeking shelter during a storm. Lecherous, demented and barely coherent, Dickey seems an unlikely manager for even this unsavory a venue…unless, his role is a bit more complex than manning a desk. Sit back and shiver as key by key, room by room, the terror unfolds.


When a horrific accident forces a deeply dysfunctional couple to check into a decrepit motel, a lecherous and deranged desk clerk arranges for them to witness three unholy visions of the macabre. But when cautionary tales of bloodlust, deadly creatures and a world filled with the undead don’t faze these two narcissists, stronger measures are right at hand.

For the road to hell is paved with blood.

ROAD HELL is a Scream Kings / Untold Horror co-production, featuring the directorial talents of Pete Jacelone, Alex Pucci and Draven Gonzalez.