The next film in our Asian Film Showcase is “Bangkok Revenge”. The film is about a man, who saw his parents killed at ten years old by a vicious gang. He was left for dead until he is recused by the master of Muay Thai boxing. But the attack left with a brain injury that leaves him without any human emotion.

Fast forward twenty years, he sets on a quest for vengeance. With his fists, feet and bloody vengeance at his side, he’s out to find those who are responsible and make them pay.

Going into “Bangkok Revenge”, I was hoping that it was going to be a very good movie. It was billed as an action packed film with good martial action. I never thought the action would be the component that would ruin the film for me, as this felt like a film with no story.

Jean –Marc Mineo’s direction was very flat. One of the things that I didn’t like about the direction, the scenes felt rushed. He doesn’t do anything to make the scenes feel exciting. Maybe, it’s the fact that the scenes felt like they were going ninety miles per hour to the point that they were repetitive. It made me lose track of what was going on. The other thing that makes Mineo’s direction dreadful was the way he handling the acting. The acting was just awful. The cast didn’t make the characters engaging, instead they made their characters very dull. Mineo doesn’t do anything to make the performances work. Instead, I was watching a film with all action and very dull characters. It almost put me to sleep watching the performances.
The screenplay was flat out horrible. One of the reasons was there wasn’t any plot or character development at all. Mineo doesn’t even try to slow the story down to allow any plot or character development. Every time I tried to become interested in the main character, he would put in action sequences that would kill any chance of development. When that happens, the film is just a collection of action scenes with characters that nobody cares about.

Speaking of action scenes, the other thing that makes this screenplay a failure was that that was the fact that there was too many of them. With a running time of 82 minutes, it felt like two thirds of it was devoted to action sequences. Mineo clearly focusing more on the action sequences than creating a story that could’ve make the characters interesting, as it made me very bored very quickly and I was losing interest in this film by the half way mark. I wished he’d making the characters interesting enough that I cared about them, because it would have made his screenplay better and I would have enjoyed this film. Instead, this was a complete mess from top to bottom.

“Bangkok Revenge” is one of those films that looked good on paper. But it reality, it’s a very repetitive action film with no story or interesting characters.

Review Rating: One Star.