Starring Dominic Purcell (Blade Trinity/Prison Break) and Faith Ford (Murphy Brown).

The film opens with Harmon (Purcell) fleeing from the local police after he had murdered his girlfriend for an undisclosed reason, but let’s just call it insanity. He’s eventually caught.

Cut to 5 years later where a group of psychology students are on a tour of the local insane asylum. As soon as the tour starts, they are delayed because of a Code Orange meaning, that a very dangerous patient is being brought in. So what happens? Are the students asked to leave the hall they are currently occupying? Nope. They are ordered to face the wall and not make eye contact with Harmon as the guards escort him past them, but Abby (Christine Evangelista) sneaks a glance and then is immediately sorry as she is accosted by Harmon and thusly marked.

Eventually, Harmon violently escapes and goes on the hunt for Abby, who is studying with her roommate on a dark and stormy night.

Detective Jensen (Ford) is put on the case to stop Harmon’s murderous rampage, but will she be too late?

The acting was ok, but the dialogue from the younger actors was vapid. Maybe I’m just being an old fogy at the ripe old age of 31, but a lot of dialogue today is all OMG and TMI. Stop speaking in text-speak and convey your feelings into actual freaking words.

This type of plot, when you get down to basics, has been done before, perhaps even to death, and this film doesn’t do much to stand it apart from others. (Lunatic escapes and runs amok.) There is a twist, but it isn’t really a shocking twist that means anything. When I found out I was just like: “Ok…and???”

And nothing.

Overall the film was a little boring and run of the mill. I wouldn’t watch it again.
