Please note: This Review Contains Minor Spoilers.

A cop walks into a diner (stop me if you’ve heard this)

Starring Forest Whitaker (You know who that is, c’mon!), Michael Chiklis (The Shield/Fantastic 4), Ray Liotta (Good Fellas), Common (Smokin’ Aces), and Sean Faris (Never Back Down).

How can I do a good review without giving anything away…

Forest Whitaker sits down in the diner. He knows all the employees; has a running chess game on a pie plate under glass with one of them. He notices everyone there looks really tense. The place is being robbed.

Sean Faris is hiding in the bathroom and calls 911, when Forest Whitaker busts in and makes a call of his own to his partner. Faris, listening from a stall, hears that Forest Whitaker knows more than he should and is quickly discovered.

From there, everything goes from bad to worse, and a simple robbery has turned into a hostage situation.

I really liked the way this was edited: Very choppy, jumping from flashback to present for the major characters so the viewer can see what happened to get to this point.

The actors also turn in commanding performances, especially Sean Faris, who acted his butt off. His performance gave me a distinct Tom Cruise vibe, you know, before he went crazy.

One thing I didn’t care for was Michael Chiklis’ British accent. It’s not that he did a bad job, but it seemed forced because, he is most definitely not British and it seemed out of place.

Overall, I was really pleased with this film. It had all the twists and turns you could ask for in a crime thriller and I suggest checking this out.
