(, an online and direct mail DVD and VOD entertainment retailer specializing in unusual cult, horror and exploitation cinema, announced today the release of its first ever original digital short, A Little Tortured Romance. The film, which follows a beautiful young woman as she attempts to escape the clutches of her torture-instrument-wielding captors, represents’s first foray into original filmmaking.

Written and directed by staff writer Rick Stanko, A Little Tortured Romance stars noted Philadelphia burlesque performer Lascivious Jane and was produced by members of TLA’s staff. Inspired by the entrants into its recent Short Film Contest, the film was conceived as a lighthearted, satirical take on the low-budget sexploitation horror movies that seem to fly off the retailers’ shelves.

“Every day, we get to watch great underground movies made as labors of love, often in somebody’s basement and we just figured that maybe we ought to take a crack at it ourselves. We didn’t have a whole lot of money to make the movie, but we ended up with a dildo-enhanced laser gun, a half-naked woman and a couple of guys in creepy make up. What could be better? Our customers love this stuff, so we thought we’d give them a little taste of it for free to thank them for all their loyalty. ” said director Stanko.

A Little Tortured Romance can be viewed free-of-charge at, but those who are under 18 or easily offended are encouraged to wait until the edited version is posted to YouTube, as the version currently up on contains nudity and mild violence.