"Satan Hates You" director James Felix McKenney recently send us over information for this upcoming film "Villain". The film the story of a psychotic killer who hunts the "real life superheroes" of New York City. The film stars The Super Sucklord, who received mainstream notoriety for his appearance on the second season of Bravo TV's "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist."

The filmmakers are hoping to raise the film's modest budget by way of a Kickstarter campaign. "In this current climate, I just can't look an investor in the eye and tell them that any film is going to make them their money back," McKenney says. "At the moment, crowdfunding is really the only honest way to raise money for an independent project like this.

As an incentive, The Sucklord has created a VILLAIN-specific series of his signature bootleg figures and other Suckadelic items that will only be available to supporters of the project.

For more about these items and some words on the film from The Sucklord himself, please visit the VILLAIN Kickstarter page:


For information on this film, you can visit the film's official website at: http://www.reallifevillain.com

Press Release:

MonsterPants is proud to announce that the sixth feature film by DIY auteur James Felix McKenney (AUTOMATONS, HYPOTHERMIA) will be the dark thriller, VILLAIN.

VILLAIN tells the story of a psychotic killer who hunts the "real life superheroes" of New York City.

"VILLAIN came from my own reaction to seeing news stories about these real life superheroes a few years back," says the director. "The first thing that popped into my head was that these were just a bunch of urban attention seekers who could never hold their own against a real threat. I started thinking about what kind of a person would be the real world equivalent of a super-criminal and VILLAIN was born."

Playing the titular character is designer toy artist, The Super Sucklord, who received mainstream notoriety for his appearance on the second season of Bravo TV's "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist."

McKenney explains how this collaboration came to be, "VILLAIN was originally meant to be this bigger, nation-spanning film. But one night I was hanging out in the Sucklord's lair listening to him rant about some topic that is dear to him and it hit me: Here's this really smart guy who's already a self-styled super villain with his own little hideout and lots of strong opinions about how the world should be, and that was it. I found my VILLAIN."

With this revelation, McKenney scaled-back the production to a gritty, ground level project set in New York City that stays true to both artists' DIY roots and aesthetic. The film takes inspiration from early digital video and Asian horror and serial killer movies from the 1990's and early 2000's. The filmmakers will be using a wide range of equipment, ranging from current hi-definition RED cameras to old video tape technology from decades past to give the film a jarring, disjointed look to give the audience a glimpse into the mind of a madman.

The film's director of photography is Eric Branco and Lisa Wisely is producing. Both have worked with McKenney on earlier film projects.

The filmmakers are hoping to raise the film's modest budget by way of a Kickstarter campaign. "In this current climate, I just can't look an investor in the eye and tell them that any film is going to make them their money back," McKenney says. "At the moment, crowdfunding is really the only honest way to raise money for an independent project like this.

As an incentive, The Sucklord has created a VILLAIN-specific series of his signature bootleg figures and other Suckadelic items that will only be available to supporters of the project.

For more about these items and some words on the film from The Sucklord himself, please visit the VILLAIN Kickstarter page:


Filming is scheduled to commence this fall.

VILLAIN Official Site (under construction):

VILLAIN on Facebook:

For more information on James Felix McKenney and MonsterPants, visit: