Discovery Films recently send us information about their upcoming DVD and VOD release of the documentary "Doubletime". The jump rope documentary has played at film festivals such as SXSW, Edinburgh International Film Festival and Tribeca Film Festival. "Doubletime" makes its way to DVD and VOD on September 25th.

For more information on the film, you can visit the film's official website at:

Press Release:

Jumping rope is indeed one of the most timeless and universal forms of play. Double Dutch is perhaps the most well known type. Brought to America by early Dutch settlers, it became a popular form of urban street play and gained visibility in the early ‘80s when it was associated with hip hop music and culture.

But modern competitive jump roping is entirely different. It has changed from a child’s game into a world-­-wide sport. Boys, as well as girls, are regularly pushing the envelope of what you can do with a jump rope. The sport is new and evolving every day. It now features astounding acrobatics, lightning speed and international competition. It requires focus, dedication and intense commitment.

Director-­-Producer Stephanie Johnes follows two top notch, but very different jump rope teams­--­-The Bouncing Bulldogs of Chapel Hill, North Carolina and The Double Dutch Forces of Columbia, South Carolina. The Bulldogs represent the best of gymnastic freestyle jumping found of white suburbia, while the Forces belong to the inner-­-city African American tradition of Double Dutch. In different leagues, their first ever encounter comes in Harlem’s world famous Apollo Theater at the “Holiday Classic,” a rowdy crowd-­-pleasing contest which features “fusion” routines where Double Dutch is blended with hip-­- hop dance and music. DoubleTime follows the rigorous practice period, takes time to talk to the coaches and the young athletes (age 11 to 18) who display an inspiring courage, skills and charisma. The images are electrifying, the energy infectious and the kids are inspiring.

Stephanie Johnes, a veteran director, and DP of non-­-fiction film and TV, discovered her subject while on a fellowship to study journalism and communications at the University of Northern California. “I was surprised to discover that I was living in a town that was home to national jump rope champions. Jump Roping is a great subject for a documentary because you truly have to see it to believe it. After telling friends about the project, they would inevitably ask, “So, are the kids on the team black or white?” I realized that within the same sport, there are two different leagues: one white, the other black. I decided to document these disparate worlds and had no idea that the two teams would ever meet.”

Johnes teamed up with her sister, Alexandra Johnes, who has produced several films for Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney/Jigsaw Productions (Taxi to the Dark Side and Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room). Her recent credits include Casino Jack and the United States of Money, My Trip to Al-­-Qaeda, Freakonomics and Magic Trip: Ken Kesey’s Search for a Kool Place. Alexandra also served as a production executive on Client 9: The Rise and Fall or Eliot Spitzer (Magnolia), which was short-­-listed for an Academy Award.

DoubleTime features an “excellent soundtrack” (Variety) with music from Keyshia Cole, Petey Pablo, MIA, Pete Miser and The Caesars.