Drafthouse Films has send us over stills for the upcoming documentary "The Act of Killing". The film is being executive produced acclaimed documentary directors Errol Morris (The Thin Blue Line, Fast Cheap & Out of Conrol) and Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man, Cave of Forgotten Dreams). "The Act of Killing" hits theaters in limited release on July 19th.

For more information on this film, you can visit the film's official website at: http://www.actofkilling.com

Plot Synopsis:

In this chilling and inventive documentary, executive produced by Errol Morris (The Fog Of War) and Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man), the filmmakers examine a country where death squad leaders are celebrated as heroes, challenging them to reenact their real-life mass killings in the style of the American movies they love. The hallucinatory result is a cinematic fever dream, an unsettling journey deep into the imaginations of mass murderers and the shockingly banal regime of corruption and impunity they inhabit. Shaking audiences at the 2012 Toronto and Telluride Film Festivals, The Act of Killing is an unprecedented film and, according to the Los Angeles Times, "could well change how you view the documentary form.