(, an online and direct mail DVD and VOD entertainment retailer specializing in unusual cult, horror and exploitation cinema, announced today the winners of the 2010 Short Film Contest. Short filmmakers from all over the United States submitted cult, horror and exploitation movies to TLA’s corporate office in Philadelphia where members of TLA’s web content department screened the films in order to find the best and most unusual short films out there. 12 films were ultimately selected to compete for the grand prize of $1,000. Winners were determined by online voting with the top three entries winning prizes.

Chicago-based director Steven Payne’s The Hawthorne Effect, a creepy horror film with a twist and a healthy dose of gratuitous nudity, received the most votes, earning Payne the Grand Prize of $1,000. Sci-fi short Attackazoids, by brothers Brian and Kevin Lonano of Staten Island, came in second and Insides, a gore-laden autopsy nightmare by Manhattan-based filmmaker Alex Keipper, came in third.
“Overall, this contest was a huge success. We received over 1,000 votes and got to show shockingly original short films from all over the country that might not have been seen otherwise. Our sincere hope is that all of our Finalists will continue making movies. They’ve all demonstrated a lot of filmmaking talent and creative vision. Congratulations to the winners and to all those aspiring underground short filmmakers out there: Get ready. We’re going to do this again next year,” noted Dan Reed, Managing Editor of

The winning entries will remain up for viewing for a limited time at The Grand Prize winner will receive $1,000. The first runner-up will receive a $300 TLA Gift Card and the second runner up will receive a $200 TLA Gift Card