Scorpio Film Releasing recently send us over some new stills and information for their next screening of "The Disco Exorcist".

Press Release:

After the sold out premiere, New England’s unyielding kings of exploitation, Scorpio Film Releasing have set the next showing of their highly anticipated film THE DISCO EXORCIST for Saturday, March 19 at 11:00pm at the Cable Car Cinema and CafĂ© in Providence Rhode Island. Twitch Film says that THE DISCO EXORCIST is “excruciatingly funny, genuinely harrowing at times and delivers on every promise that that killer trailer and excellent poster by Stephen Romano made.”

THE DISCO EXORCIST is a movie steeped in that great 1970’s Grindhouse tradition, with a dark horror story nuzzled snug in the seedy world of 70’s Disco, porn, and drug Culture. It’s at once funny, ominous, and unapologetically lurid. At the recently sold out premiere is Providence RI, the films director Richard Griffin heralded THE DISCO EXORCIST with the below introduction.

"When I was a child growing up in the 70s... and this was before we learned about movies from the internet ... I would scan the entertainment section of the Friday newspaper. There you would see ads for all the upcoming films. The main part of the page was covered in ads for all the big Hollywood films; Dog Day Afternoon, Jaws, Saturday Night Fever. Down the page you would see ads for the movies playing at the art house theaters... from the newest from Fellini to a John Waters revival. Finally down at the bottom of the page was the tiny, tiny ads for the porno movie theaters in town. Lurid artwork and titles. Well, being a rather precocious movie-loving kid, I would point to each ad and ask my mother about them. She would say, "Oh, that's a PG rated comedy. You can see that," or "That's a R-rated horror movie, you have to wait until you're older.” Finally I would point to an ad for one of the "Adult" movies and she'd say.... "Oh, that's one of THOSE kind of movies”....

Well, I was -- of course -- intrigued. It was forbidden. Taboo. And for years I've waited to make "One of THOSE kind of movies...,” and now with THE DISCO EXORCIST I've finally had my chance.”

THE DISCO EXORCIST stars Michael Reed, Sarah Nicklin, Ruth Sullivan, Brandon Luis Aponte, Rich Tretheway, Gio Castellano, and Babette Bombshell as "Bernie Munghat".

THE DISCO EXORCIST was directed by Richard Griffin, produced by Ted Marr, written by Tony Nunes and photographed by Jill Poisson.

THE DISCO EXORCIST is intended for mature audiences (in a matter of speaking) and nobody under 18 will be admitted into the theater. Down the road, the films producers hope to screen THE DISCO EXORCIST at some of the leading film fests around North America. For more information or to preorder tickets to the showings, visit the Scorpio Film Releasing website at